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The Benefits of Installing a Lift Station

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In the standard installation of a residential sewer line, the pipe has a downward slope from the home to the sewer main. This configuration allows wastewater to flow with the force of gravity. However, some homes and businesses sit at an elevation lower than the sewer main. Installing a lift station is a standard solution when wastewater needs to move uphill.

What is a lift station?

Lift stations are installations that raise wastewater to a higher elevation. They pump the water to a point where gravity will take it into a public sewer line. Depending on the contours of a property, a property owner may need to install several lift stations for adequate flow.

Electric pumps are the primary machines in sewer lift stations. Wastewater flows into a well or holding tank until it reaches a level that signals the pump to turn on. Several valves keep water flowing in the right direction, preventing backflow.

Lift Stations and Consistent Wastewater Management

The force of wastewater exiting a home can work against gravity for a short distance. However, an upward slope will eventually lead to poor drainage, blockages, and backflows. If wastewater sits in the sewer line, residents may notice unpleasant smells and water rising out of drains in the lowest part of the home.

Installing a lift station prevents these issues by safely pumping wastewater from the home along the sewer line. When properly installed, water will flow down to the lift station well and then continue the journey to the next station or public sewer.

Long-Term Cost Benefits of a Sewage Lift System

Frequent emergency calls to a plumber or septic company to resolve sewer and drainage issues add up quickly. Placing a lift station on a property comes with overhead and operating costs. However, the long-term benefits of avoiding wastewater problems will compensate for the expense.

A lift station for wastewater is also a more economical alternative to leveling property to accommodate a standard sewer line. The cost of excavation is substantially more than placing a small pump station.

Considerations When Installing a Sewage Lift System

Sewer lift stations come in many sizes depending on the property’s needs. Wastewater volume is a critical factor in deciding what unit to purchase. A system without enough capacity can still lead to occasional wastewater backups and a shorter pump life.

A lift station can have additional processing features. Some facilities may also want to include grinder capabilities in their lift station. A grinder pump helps break down solids and prevents system blockages.

The Importance of Proper Lift Station Maintenance

Lift station maintenance is essential to keeping the unit functioning consistently. As with a septic tank, solids can build up in the pump station tank, reducing capacity. Pumps and valves also lose efficiency over time. A regular checkup prevents unexpected failures and keeps the system running smoothly.

Municipal Sewer Lift Stations

Many water systems use sewage lift systems on a larger scale. Water flows from several neighborhood sewer lines to a central lift station well. From there, an industrial pump pushes it into a main sewer line that directs the flow to the treatment station.

In addition to grinding and screening, municipal lift stations may also incorporate system control and data acquisition technology. In a SCADA system, sensors at the lift station can automatically alert managers of issues such as clogs or pump failure, allowing for a faster response. The data collection aspect of SCADA lets water system employees observe performance over time for an improved maintenance schedule.

Incorporating SCADA Technology into Water System Infrastructure

High Tide Technologies helps municipal water collection, distribution, and treatment organizations incorporate cloud-based SCADA into their systems. Our model provides immediate access to critical information for technicians in the field and connects the central office with remote locations such as lift stations and water towers. With High Tide Technologies as a partner, water systems will see an overall increase in efficiency and responsiveness. Learn more about the benefits of cloud-based SCADA by contacting us today.

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