How SCADA Systems Revolutionize the Gas & Oil Industry

Oil and gas companies must seek resources that improve efficiency and maintain safety to stay profitable. Small mistakes in transporting and refining petroleum products can lead to accidents with heavy environmental implications. At the same time, businesses in these industries must monitor assets over a broad geographic area. System control and data acquisition (SCADA) technology is poised to address these issues and transform gas and oil industry operations.
What is SCADA?
SCADA systems began in industrial settings as sensors on equipment reporting performance data to a remote terminal. This technology allowed managers to observe conditions in real-time.
As the technology progressed, operators could configure the system for automated responses. This ability allowed for more efficient reactions to changing conditions.
Networking capabilities created the next generation of SCADA. Wireless and cloud-based solutions empower managers to observe conditions and coordinate assets at multiple locations across a large area.
Benefits of SCADA for the Oil and Gas Industry
This monitoring technology has improved efficiency and safety in many different industrial settings. As companies incorporate SCADA into gas and oil operations, they will discover several benefits.
Real-Time and Historical Data
SCADA allows operators to observe the current conditions of their assets. The system will also send alerts when there are sudden changes in performance. Collecting this data provides a picture of the asset’s historical performance. This knowledge helps identify equipment that needs servicing.
Automatic Responses
Seconds matter when there is a problem with equipment in the petroleum industry. However, an oil and gas SCADA system can respond faster than a human operator. For example, an automated shutdown protocol will minimize the environmental impact of a damaged pipeline.
Increased Efficiency
Real-time data matched with automated adjustments can keep equipment operating at ideal conditions. Optimizing performance reduces energy costs and lengthens the usable life of equipment.
Remote Oversight
Oil and gas SCADA systems allow operators to supervise assets at several locations simultaneously, improving coordination efforts. This technology also provides remote oversight when natural disasters and other hazardous conditions make it impractical to remain on site.
Oil and Gas SCADA Applications
Oil and gas SCADA systems will help companies at every step in the petroleum industry process. Whether drills remove oil from the ground or machines refine it into other products, SCADA technology will improve the process.
Drilling and Pumping
Pressure and friction are constant concerns during the drilling process. SCADA sensors will send real-time information to operators and prevent equipment damage. The system will also alert employees of changing conditions, allowing them to react efficiently to changing pressure when a drill breaches the oilfield. After drilling, the SCADA system will improve pumping operations, ensuring equipment maintains a steady flow.
SCADA and Pipeline Concerns
Pipelines carry oil and gas over thousands of miles, including some environmentally sensitive areas. Oil and gas SCADA technology allow the company to monitor the equipment without the expense of sending crews to remote locations. Managers can dispatch repair crews when the SCADA sensors report a problem. Remote system control allows managers to stop or reroute the flow to minimize leakage while waiting for the repair.
SCADA and Industrial Refining
SCADA technology began in industrial settings, and its abilities will benefit refining facilities. Volume and flow rate measurements can help determine priorities, improve efficiency, and keep equipment operating safely.
The Advantages of Cloud-Based SCADA in the Oil and Gas Sector
A cloud-based SCADA system offers flexibility in an industry that involves both industrial and remote settings. By making data accessible in the cloud, employees at every phase of the oil and gas production process can coordinate their efforts. They can access information on handheld devices at any place with a cell signal. Satellite technology can keep assets connected to the system in the most remote locations.
Advanced Oil and Gas SCADA Systems from High Tide Technologies
High Tide Technologies has helped customers in the oil and gas industries keep their facilities consistently productive with cloud-based real-time performance data. We design and implement SCADA solutions that improve efficiency and maintain safety. If you want to know more about the difference our technology can make for your operation, contact us today.